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Main » 2015 » August » 3 » Humanity Bot™ v3.0.1 have been released...
Humanity Bot™ v3.0.1 have been released...

Author: OrFeAsGr                                     Features:

  • Servers' Settings: Easy To Handle , You Can Add A Network , Nick , Ident , Server Pass , The Channels You Want The Bot To Join Auto On/Off and Bot Opers for each Channel . bot Owners Need Botpasses too . You Can Set them too from the form next to Bot Opers list.

  • Games: GunFight , Guess The Colour, MathsGame, Anagram, "Who wants to be an operator", Cups, Meters

  •  Bad words/phrases detector: It detects the badwords or phrases you set . You Can Add/Remove them by right clicking on a channel and the clicking on Add or Remove BadWords .

  • Akick: You Can Add Bad Nicks/hosts That You Don't Want To be In the channel(s) that the bot is handling. 

  • Reminder: It Simply Reminds The Users What They Want Whenever They Want

  • ScreenSaver: You Can Turn This On OR Off using the Dialog by clicking on any channel and then clicking ScreenSaver Settings . This feature locks the mIRC that the bot uses.

  • Youtube Link Parser: Whenever a youtube link is sent to a channel ,that is in the list of the bot channels, the bot sends the title and general info of the link. This can be turned on/off for each channel in the Servers' Settings.

  • Text & Nick Change Flood Protection: Protects the channel from Text and Nick Change Flood. Flood Protection Can be Turned On/Off For Each Channel in the Servers' Settings.

  • Spying Script (For Fun Use): The Bot Opers can make the bot join a channel and copy action to the channel that it was requested from.

  • Lyrics Finder: Users can search for lyrics of a song or a song by some lyrics. The Bot connects to genius.com and searches for the users query.

  • Bot Opers: Users that can use commands that help control a channel! Nicks need to be added to the Bot Owners listbox. Each Bot Owner needs a pass which he/she will send with a private notice to the bot. The format of the notice text is the following: !pass #channel pass .​ After identifying for the channel he/she wants he can view the commands that can be used by botops only by sending this channel message: !commands


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